Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Is Your Home Adequately Insured?

Homeowner's insurance is not something we think about very often until we need it. Making sure you are adequately insured before you need it will provide you with real peace of mind. But that peace of mind can come with a hefty price tag.

Here are some helpful suggestions to help you keep your rates reasonable:

* Shop around for the best buy. Get at least three quotes, and buy based not only on price, but also the service provided.
* Consider raising your deductible to lower your premium.
* Ask about purchasing your homeowner's insurance and automobile policy from the same company. You may get a discounted premium.
* Ask your insurance agent about discounts for safety features such as an automatic sprinkler system, central alarm system, dead bolts, smoke detectors, or fire extinguishers.
* Insure your house, not the land. It is your home, not your land, that is at risk from the perils covered in your policy.

Make sure you have updated the value of your home from time to time. You want to make sure the insurance will cover your home's current value in case of natural disaster. The Davidson Team is always available to provide you with a quick home evaluation.

Protecting your real estate investment is an important part of home ownership. Please contact us if we can provide you with an updated home evaluation or help you in any way.

If you know someone who is interested in buying or selling a home, please forward their name and number to us . Wewill be happy to provide them with the same excellent service you have come to know and expect from The Davidson Team.

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