Wednesday, December 19, 2007

For Sale By Owner Education: Part 2

Negotiating Tips To Consider

Negotiating the offer is an important part of the selling process. But as a seller, you may feel awkward or uncomfortable negotiating on your own behalf. On one hand, you don't want to seem too eager and make too many concessions. On the other hand, you don't want to put buyers off. You do want to encourage open dialogue to reach agreement.

All offers need to be in writing, and you should receive a purchase and sale agreement from the buyer. This is a legal and binding agreement, so you'll want to review it carefully.

Here are some tips to make sure you have a solid offer:
* Pre-approved: Make sure the buyer has been preapproved, not just prequalified.* Strong deposit: The buyer should provide a substantial earnest money deposit. This is "good faith" money, which shows the buyer is serious.* Contingencies: Expect that the sale might be contingent on financing or an inspection.

The offer will probably contain a request for the appliances, too, especially if you have indicated that they will be included in the sale.

Please be sure to call or email The Davidson Team if we can be of further assistance or provide you with additional information.

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